Extreme Weather: A Guide and Record Book
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WW Norton, Publisher of Extreme Weather: A guide and record book.

Extreme Weather: A Guide and Record Book
-- from the hottest places to the coldest places around the world, Extreme Weather covers heat and drought, snow and ice, rain and floods, thunderstorms and hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms, and fog. The book includes extreme weather tables for each state and over 300 different U.S. cities. This is the ultimate book for weather enthusiasts, including bizarre weather events.

If you have questions or comments about Extreme Weather: A Guide and Record Book, please send us a message using the form below. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Extreme Weather: A Guide and Record Book-- from the hottest places to the coldest places around the world, Extreme Weather covers heat and drought, snow and ice, rain and floods, thunderstorms and hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms, and fog. Includes extreme weather tables for each state and over 300 different U.S. cities. The ultimate book for weather enthusiasts, including bizarre weather events.

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